2025 Spring Online Bible Study
Weekly: Wednesdays at 10:30 AM
Join Women's Ministry for an online study this spring. Memorize Scripture through Dwell on These Things - Transform Your Heart and Mind by Memorizing God's Word by Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz.
Group Details
WEDNESDAYS | APRIL 2 - MAY 14 | 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM | ONLINE ONLY
Dwell on These Things - Transform Your Heart and Mind by Memorizing God's Word by Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz.
How would your life change if you could call Scripture to mind at a moment's notice to bring comfort, peace, and assurance? The good news is that God's Word can be accessible 24/7 as you hide it in your heart. In this 7-session Bible study, sisters Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz lead you through a study of Philippians 4:4-9 to teach you a simple method of memorizing God's Word.
s you fix these beloved verses in your mind through powerful images, you'll discover how to combat anxiety, experience the peace of God, and dwell on godly things. You'll be equipped for a lifetime of inscribing the transforming truth of Scripture in your heart and mind.
We will watch the video together via ZOOM and depending on the number of registrants, we may break out into small groups. Details forthcoming.

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