Abba, Father, Daddy!
Sunday at 9:00 AM
Sunday morning class where everyone is invited in person and online for fellowship and to GROW in understanding God, His unimaginable love and desire for an intimate relationship with you as His child by faith in Jesus, and the peace, joy and life transforming power of the Holy Spirit! Enjoy rich verse-by-verse Bible teaching connecting context, understanding, and life application throughout the Old and New Testaments, along with discussions and answers to your questions!
Group Details
Open to everyone - all ages and stages of life and faith (from seeking to mature).
Format for our studies - We typically study the scriptures verse-by-verse and take as long as needed with each study based upon our rich discussions, answering your questions, and following where the Holy Spirit is leading.
Join us in person in B110 and via Zoom on Sundays at 9:00am. Please contact Larry Blews for Zoom log-in details.
Zoom link:
In case you need it - Meeting ID: 886 2802 4629. Passcode: 820810. Click: Join with Video & Join with Audio

Class continues to meet in person and on Zoom to meet the needs of members.
Current Study - The Book of John: Who Do You Say Jesus is?
GROW and be encouraged through the book of John - a deep spiritual treasure rich in its focus on who Jesus says He is and what happened during the last week of Jesus’ life; the rich meanings of His “I am” statements, titles (Son of God, Son of Man, Word, Good Shepherd, Lamb of God, etc.), and eight signs and miracles; the upper room discourse on Maundy Thursday; His redemptive activity; and His revelations about His Father and the Holy Spirit. This study will give you a deeper understanding of the Trinity!
Upcoming studies: Revelation
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