Pastor-Led Lunchtime Study (Woodlands) | The Woodlands Methodist Church

Pastor-Led Lunchtime Study (Woodlands)

Tuesday at 12:00 PM

Group Details


Pastor-Led Study with Rev. Chris McLain

It Is Written: Prophecies to the Promise

Join Rev. Chris McLain on Tuesdays for our Pastor-Led Lenten Series entitled “It is Written: Prophecies to the Promise” as we take a deeper look into the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled by Jesus during his life. Then, come back on Wednesdays for Lectio Divina as we listen intently to God’s word for us at this time. As we move from The Promise of the Cross as it is written.

Tuesdays, March 4 - April 8 from Noon - 1:00 pm

Wesley Hall


Pastor-Led Study with Bishop Bob Hayes

The Other Side of Easter

Tuesdays, April 22 - May 13 from Noon - 1:00 pm

Wesley Hall

According to the Scriptures, Jesus spent forty-days following his resurrection before ascending to heaven. All four Gospels, including the Book of Acts, provides valuable insights as to what took place in the days following his triumphant victory over death. So, what did Jesus do during this period? In what bodily form did he appear? And, most importantly, what meaning or significance does his post-resurrection appearances have for modern-day Christians over two thousand years later? This four-week study probes the fascinating accounts of what Jesus did and why it’s essential for us to know what happened on “the other side of Easter.”

Week One — Why forty-days?

Week Two — How do the Gospels and The Book of Acts record these events?

Week Three — What did Jesus do, who did he see, and why?

Week Four — What does it have to do with me?

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Contact Bethany Johnson