Our Stories


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, …

Matthew 28:19

As we G.R.O.W. in our journey with Jesus, we are called to Raise Up those around us through mentoring, leading and sharing stories about our faith. We want you to share your stories with us so others can come to know Jesus through your experiences.

Below are a few questions to help you get started or to help you think through your story:

  • Tell us about the person who first introduced you to Jesus.
  • Describe how learning about Jesus impacted or changed your life. What was the lasting effect on you?
  • When did your faith become real to you?
  • Share with us the story of a person who made a difference in your faith journey.
  • The stories you share with us may be used in publications, in worship or online as we help people understand that telling others about Jesus makes a real impact in the world.

We have two ways you can share your story. Choose the one that’s right for you.

Submit a written or short video (3-5 minutes) of your story on the form below.

Additional tips to sharing your story:

  1. Be Honest: Trust the Holy Spirit will use what is true.
  2. Be Authentic: Genuine feelings help make your story relatable.
  3. Be Normal: Use everyday language that your friends will understand.
  4. Be Focused: Point to Jesus and what He has done in your life.

Submit Your Video

Video Submission Entry

Added: 10/24/2024