The Wind of the Spirit
May 23, 2024 | Read Time: 2 mins
By: Rev. Mark Sorensen
I once heard a story of a pastor who wanted to preach from the Pentecost passage found in Acts 2. Within that story of the Holy Spirit’s arrival, those early gatherers in that upper room heard what was explained as a “mighty rushing wind” (Acts 2:2). Wanting to connect the Holy Spirit to a mighty rushing wind, he had an idea.
He was good friends with an old sea captain who had been working on the open seas for more than 50 years. Who better to explain the wind than him? So, he made the appointment and sat down with the captain.
“Sir, can you tell me everything you know about the wind?” the pastor asked, expecting a long explanation to follow. Instead, he got something unexpected.
“To tell you the truth, I know very little about the wind. It’s so mysterious.” The old sea captain sat back in his chair and thought for a moment. Then, he leaned forward and said the following: “As much as I do not know about the wind, I can tell you that there is one thing I do know. I know how to set my sails.”
I love that story.
I have a quote that hangs in my office here at the church by G. Campbell Morgan that reads, “We cannot organize revival, but we can set our sails to catch the wind from Heaven when God chooses to blow upon His people once again.”
Friends, what a joy it is to see the winds of the Holy Spirit blowing across the church.
I loved that this past Sunday was not only Pentecost Sunday but also Confirmation Sunday, where more than 200 6th graders officially completed a 10-month Confirmation class and became members of our church.

Last week, we also shared the news that because we’re growing, we need to make space for more people to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. If you missed that news, read more about what’s ahead.
Friends, the wind of the Spirit is blowing across the church.
Let’s continue to set our sails and follow as the Lord leads.
To God be the glory,
– Mark