Prayer & Care

Counseling, Support Groups & Prayer


Woodforest Blood Drive

Give the gift of life by donating blood. One donation can impact up to three lives. We are hosting a blood drive on Sunday, October 27, 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the donor coach.

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Back Porch Event

We will receive new members at the Back Porch Event on Sunday, September 8 in the Worship Center following the 11:00 a.m. service. Upon completion of your membership vows, we will help you begin your journey into serving, giving, prayer and fellowship. Lunch and child care will be provided.


Clases de Evangelismo

¡Únete y aprende cómo compartir el amor de Cristo de manera efectiva, llevando esperanza y transformación a quienes te rodean! Domingos a las 9 a.m. en el Recreation Center

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Gran Gala de Jóvenes

Ven vestido con tu mejor atuendo para una noche de música, comida y momentos inspiradores centrados en la fe y la amistad. Reflexionemos sobre las bendiciones de este año y esperemos con ilusión lo que Dios nos tiene reservado.

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Servicio de Acción de Gracias

Acompáñanos a dar gracias a Dios por Su bondad y amor. Será un tiempo de gratitud, adoración y reflexión.

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When times get tough, we all have questions and doubts.

Where is God? Why would He let this happen to me? What does He want me to do?

People throughout the Bible wondered the same things. God was with them all along, even if they couldn’t see it, and the same is true for you. The pastors at The Woodlands Methodist Church can help you understand God’s plan for your life. All of our pastors can provide support and counseling to help you find the answers to your spiritual questions. Contact the front desk at 281.297.5900 to schedule a time to talk.

Monday – Friday

Congregational care is a priority for our pastors. If you or someone you know is hospitalized, in rehabilitation or in hospice care, (local and Texas Medical Center) we would love to send a pastor and/or one of our pastoral care team members to visit and pray with you and your family. Contact Caring Ministries at 281.297.5953 and we will schedule a pastoral visit.

Support Programs

Find out more about short-term programs in the Caring Ministry: Abortion Recovery for Women and Men, DivorceCare and DC4K (DivorceCare for Kids), Grief Recovery, and Grief Share.

Marriage Programs

Strive to have a healthy, biblical marriage with our programs for engaged and married couples with Foundations for Marriage and re|engage.

Parenting Programs

Get help with your kids at any stage: Next STEP (9th Grade Prep) and How To Love and Help Your Adult Child.

Recovery Groups

We currently host the following twelve-step programs on campus: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Al-Anon, Spanish Al-Anon, COSA, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Nar-Anon.

Support Groups

We currently have the following support groups at The Woodlands Methodist Church: CARE (Abortion Recovery), Combat Trauma Support, The Gathering Place (Alzheimer’s and dementia), How To Love and Help Your Adult Child, Job Search, Parkinson’s Disease Support, and Survivors of Suicide.

Be Prayed For

Members of our church are here for you — to pray for you when you need it, and to praise God with you when He provides. If you have a prayer request, have a loved one in the hospital or have lost a loved one, please let us know.

Pray at the Altar

Most weeks during our Harvest worship service, we have a time of prayer and worship where you can come forward and be prayed for.

Notify the Church

We have a committed group of clergy and trusted prayer leaders that will lift up your request throughout the week. Call Caring Ministries 281.297.5900 or request prayer online.


Prayer is a powerful thing. It heals and changes lives. Love and support others by praying for them.

Chrysostom Chapel

Tucked into the quietest corner of our campus adjacent to Robb Chapel, this chapel is devoted to prayer and meditation. Surrounded by old world icons including kneeling benches and stained glass, this room provides a reverent setting for private, personal prayer and intimate services. The chapel holds approximately 25 people.

Grace Garden

Grace Garden is a beautiful and serene prayer garden location on the southwest corner of the campus to spend time outdoors in prayer. Enjoy the beauty of God’s nature while walking along garden paths.

Robb Chapel Prayer Garden

Located outside the Robb Chapel is a small garden where you can quietly pray.